Interstudio – Visual identity
New visual identity for Interstudio.

Flügger Annual Report
Annual report 2018/19 for the leading danish painting company Flügger.

Quiksilver – Deep Blue Denim
Deep water fish created with photos of jeans and a lot of photoshop.

MLA Motors

Hagedornhagen – Volatile
Art posters for hagadornhagen AW15 collection. Flowers frozen in liquid nitrogen.

Digital imaging

Hagedornhagen – Folium mug
3D visualization of hagedornhagen's new folium mug

Quartz & Co
Energiindustriens historiske omstilling og betydning for Danmark

Hagedornhagen – Coral press photo
Press photo for hagedornhagen, for the launch of their new coral posters.
The image is a combination of 3D, photography and digital imaging.

Photos for VW Denmark

Mokaï POP
3D packshot til lanceringen Mokaï POP


Showroom Lamborghini Copenhagen
Photo of Lamborghini Copenhagen showroom

Lamborghini Aventador
Photo for Lamborghini Copenhagen

SteelSeries – SH***Y sound ruins your game
SH***Y sound ruins your game

Origami illustrations for a Danish bank

Key visual for Sprite

Ikea – Winter
IKEA - Ekstra meget IKEA for pengene

Ekstra Bladet – Toilet
Toilet "Las Vegas Style"

Brobizz – 3D-icons for homepage
Icons for brobizz.dk

BG Bank
3D graphics

Matilde – 3D-pack shot for TVC
Animation for TVC

Nestle – Package visualization
Nestle needed to visualize their Passion-ice as sales catalog was printed, and the ice was not yet in production.